Tips for Maintaining Your Lawn in the Summer
In order to keep your lawn healthy and green over the summer, you will want to keep a few regular maintenance activities on your to-do list.
Here are our expert tips to help you easily maintain your lawn over the hot summer months, so that you can fully enjoy your grounds:
Regular Fertilizing
There are different times to fertilize your lawn. Ideally, you would have applied fertilizer in the early spring to help your lawn wake up from the winter, and now, in the early summer, you will want to apply again.
Applying half of the annual fertilizer in the spring will leave you with half to apply in between early summer and fall. We recommend using a specialized sod fertilizer from a reputable manufacturer, so you can rest easy that you are putting safe ingredients on your lawn.
Following your fertilizer application, be sure to water the lawn to prevent any potential burning.
Regular Mowing
One of the most important things you can do to keep your lawn looking its best is to mow it regularly.
Expert Tip: We recommend mowing Bluegrasses and Fescues at a height of 2.0 inches. You can determine the height of your mower blade by placing it on a driveway or sidewalk, and measuring the distance between the blade and the ground.
Be sure to keep your lawn mowing blades sharp to prevent grass being damaged or ripped out by dull blades, and don’t let the lawn grow so tall that the blades of grass fall over.
Regular Watering
The summer can take its toll on your lawn with longer days of intense sun. Some summers can be quite dry, and a summer drought can make your lawn go dormant.
In order to keep your lawn healthy during the heat, ensure that your lawn receives approximately one inch of water every week. Slow watering will allow your lawn to absorb the water into the roots without producing run-off.
The best times to water your lawn are early morning, typically between 5:00am and 7:00am, or in the evening, after the full intensity of the sun has dissipated. You don’t want to water in the middle of the day as the water droplets will attract the sun and increase the chances of burn. Water will also evaporate more quickly during the hottest time of the day, so your lawn won’t actually receive as much water as you think.
Click here for more expert tips on how to maintain your lawn over the summer.
For expert guidance in caring for your turfgrass sod, click here to connect with your local producer.