AGM 2020 Reports
Dear Members,
According to the NSGA Bylaws the Annual General Meeting is to be held no later than 90 days after the fiscal year end of March 31. At this time, we are unsure if we will be able to reschedule by the June 30 deadline. Therefore, we are proposing the following for your consideration in the current circumstances.
At the AGM, the Minutes of the previous AGM and current financial statement are to be approved by members. In addition, board director elections are held. Any member’s proposals or bylaw amendments are considered, and special business is conducted. The NSGA is providing the previous AGM Minutes and current financial statements in the attached AGM Report 2020 document for your review as well as the regular reporting of NSGA Membership and Activities. The NSGA has not received any proposal from the membership and is not considering amendments to the bylaws. As for elections, the NSGA proposes to extend the terms of the current directors until the rescheduled AGM.
Please review the attachment and respond with any questions or concerns regarding the reports or the proposed extended terms for directors.